
Details about poem .

Advanced astrotopia is intended to be a collection of advanced poems for those who regard light years as meaningless trivia found printed on the side of a packet of light bulbs by Mike Burr - the themes being dictated by or about its published artisans .

X aerospheres

the anti music of the aerospheres
can you hear it or is it a dull ache from the lumbar
playing like silent wind
it plays for
aerospace engineering professor Nuptial Wright PhD
and with his computer wand he conducts
multiple and featured applications that create
by perturbation
exciting new products
and modelling them
simulating and modelling them
in mute dimensioned space

and having found
and having found around
a promising candidate

he built an acoustic
formed of ceramic beads
and low rumblings
filled this shroud-like
enclaves of his white and perfect laboratory
where even household products were cleansed and sensitised
and clad with intelligence
danced to the silent wireless tunes

in an unlikely place
the walls were thick
too thick for Newtonian mechanics
but the walls were thinner
than the tunnelling quanta
than the vibrations of the elementary activites
which propelled themselves to other places
way beyond the confines of his sanitised haven
pin holes in the eggshell-thin science
properties of the spheres
defied control

and in planes
and in neighbourhoods near aircraft
and around their aerofoils comely shapes
the sound of anti music threads it way along the wings
and there in the New York fireball
choked by smoke are little pluck bits
that sing and stink of burnt pork
and as they mate with mortuary and stainless
surgical blades
they cry the song of anti music
and piled together so they form
a nuptial rite
that bleeds its song upon the clean stone floor
while the smog upon the car horned streets waves its baton to
once fresh clear skies and demands
the Next New product
