
Detials about poem .

Advanced astrotopia is intended to be a collection of advanced poems for those who regard light years as meaningless trivia found printed on the side of a packet of light bulbs by Mike Burr - the themes being dictated by or about its published artisans .


upon your starred face
there is no trace of side lit moon
no joy or faery power
lurks among its freckles
no rocket bursts across those blue banked iris
no kisses from the forest beast upon that snubby nose
to revel in the wild wood
and if the flutes of nature hoop and shrill
on cold December air
your maudlin ears are closed to them
like may cups on a frosty morn
and shattered beams that falling
through the amber gladed woods find only catastrophe
among the shoots and buds and baffled dreams

i am wanting wings
to fly upon the drowsy moons
across the sleeping lawns and tawny shades
to fly among Orion
and should stars object
Death .. dont let me fall me fall like silken dust
but careering like a burning stone
lumpen, hot, disastrous
Death remember me
and though dreams in miscarried sleep
may be born lame, disfigured
or subjugate to fortunes fool
through whose jaws agape
the shinning suns of possibility
are seen against its ill toothed henge
cast long into shades
then let me grow again from their pollard rocks
as granite trees might grow in alter worlds
a dreaming thing of adamantine humanity
upon which the sun
may cast its Oracle
which weathered by the seasons seems more beautiful
as accretions glorify its tale however badly told
so years .. leach its kaolin from those feldspar pores
as my venoms and my glories
let the white stuff flow into your streams
and in the rivers of the night
where reflections black reflected
see its curse and find its silver saviour
so may you come to drink the sublimated stone
and its visionary etch will coat your disillusionment
encompass and enstone your secret frailties
iced defections from your happy inner soul
so may you co mix with joy
upon some pleasant shore
or tumbling run freely down
the declined slopes
of easy life
