
Erastothenes once said
"Four tribes adorned
One black one white one yellow one dappled
The yellow outnumber both the white and black
And even with the two combined
And are still one sixth less"

Load up on H
Hey they chuck it over the fence
In plastic bags
To the fences and the pimps
Marajunana shows in the testing corpus
So shoot up as its quickly gone
Shoot up and nut the white walls
Like a dumb fuck
Let it hit on you
Like the big truck
Blats a sparkly squirrel
Let it leave you flat on the nowhere road
Drained like a habit, you can ooze down life's gutter
Be eaten by the maggots of temptation and germinate
Into something
Fly go up
And out the sewer
Get out, get H,
Get it on, get hard and nasty
A knife and a gemmy
Cash in on the inside experience
Push lucky, push it too far
Get done, get in
Round and round
And safe inside in the safest womb
With acid needles then impaled
Shoot up

Reflected like the firmament above
And in that dream of small hard bright conspirators
Among the coaler universal drop
Against my small existence
I was moved to the farthest palace of my youth
And in its hills and fields
Covered by the rainbow bridge
Colour in abundance spills
Upon the lawns and shrubs
A storm of butterflies
Upon its shingled facets
Abrupt the mixedness of flagrant reds and lurid greens
Admonish pastels in the brittle brightness
Of a summer harvesting the power of the prism
And now its warming glow is fading
Into later
And the sunny future once we thought would last forever
Dissipated like the clouds of destiny upon
A blowy day
And as the craters of the lengthening sun
Elongate across our space
I walk across the lawns of time
And through the fences of security
Where i was once remembered
Down the unkempt pathways
Kept by ghosts of beasts
Unfolds a lower scene
In the secret valley was a hidden river
Early in the evening night
That falls to love me
Some stars already shine
And the moon seated in her chair
Long strands the silver locks
With clouds are drawn by wild higher
Chilling wings and upon her vapoured landscaped breath
Are taunts that sparkle in the darker oaken hollows
Many years have walked the miles
From whence I gave the life I had
To hear the river sing his sacred song
Chrome blooms on small belly rocks
In the darkling
Play like chords of heathen magic
The lunar branches of the holme
A sweeping rhythm do incline upon the garbled bubbles
Cascading from his mouth

And when the warden cries alert
We already know my soul
That's shifting in the sand
Beneath the waters flow
The spirit of the eddy
Round goes round
Its notions passed to other places
Its manifestly face is looking blankly up
And i have fled
Escaped the gateway of that bodily life

Erastothenes the Greek states that
He who calculates the number would be
Among the true elite
And Amthor some millenia
(If he's understood it right)
Shows that mighty number
Immense by human standards
To be several hundred digits
Now I add one more
My self
Will this exceed the quorum
And upset the equipoise
Which Erastothenes himself misquotes
And may the sphere of retribution burst
All energy upon mankind's puny intellect